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Topic: Sum Exposure across multiple Crunches


I've been looking at running several crunches, to avoid clustering of players, for example, I might run lineups with Stephen Curry, then exclude Curry and force Shaun Livingston in a couple of lineups. If I could see the overall exposure of the multiple crunches, & see if I had the overall exposure I want. If not I could run further crunches and remove some crunches and reevaluate.

To add to this.... For each 'crunch', I'd like to see a save all to 'my lineups'. and then an export to csv from 'my lineups'. You could then do the total exposure calculation from the 'my lineups'. Ideally, also have them grouped on the 'my lineups' page according to their crunch -- so that I can easily delete them if there is new news that comes out.