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Topic: Lineup display


It would be nice if I select 'top 5 lineups' if they all appear horizontally across the page instead of in rows of 2, so I can easily see which players appear in all 5 lineups (I consider these 'core plays')

Also for each line up, next to the total projected score it would be nice to see the total floor/ceiling of each line up so we can see across the top 5 best projected which ones have more/less upside.

Just some ideas, love the site so far keep up the good work!

This would be difficult to do as the devices that users are viewing the site on vary greatly as do the sizes. For instance on my monitors I get the info in a row of 3, and if I stretch it across my monitors horizontally I can get up to 7. I do intend to add some customization of what data is displayed on the actual lineup cards themselves, as each user is different and want you want to see may be different than what another user would like to see. This will be in a future update in a few weeks.