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Replied To: New Site Layout


Help! The "Download # Lineups to CSV" no longer works. Clicking on it does nothing, whereas it's supposed to pup up a save dialog.

I tried a hard refresh, as well as close/reopen of the site, and neither helped.

This works fine on Chrome, but Chrome for the Mac has performance issues.


Replied To: New Site Layout


Looks like a BUG in Safari (not sure about others), where you can't rename the lineups now. I see the pencil icon (which I assume is how you rename them now), but when I click on it EVERYTHING on the page becomes selected and there is no way to name the lineup.

Love all the updates!


I added a possible fix for this issue, but I do not have a mac currently to test. Can you test it now and see if there is an issue any longer.[/quote]

I tested in in Safari on my Mac and it still does it. I did try it in Chrome on the Mac and the issue does not happen there. LMK if/when you need me to test again (this or other Mac-testing), and I'd be happy to help.

Aside: I have to use use Safari instead of Chrome because of a known performance issue on Chrome that keeps happeneing: Chrome Helper processes duplicating and sucking CPU. Since FantastCruncher uses so much CPU, I had to switch as I can't crank out lineups in time.

Best Regards,

Replied To: New Site Layout


Looks like a BUG in Safari (not sure about others), where you can't rename the lineups now. I see the pencil icon (which I assume is how you rename them now), but when I click on it EVERYTHING on the page becomes selected and there is no way to name the lineup.

Love all the updates!
