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So are we going to get those updated prices? I could really use those soon.

Indysuccess, add Mack in the player manager and give him a projected score. I think he's not showing up because his FC projection is below the default minimum. I gave him 8 (random number, not what I'm predicting he scores) as a projection and it was enough to make him appear.

Good catch. I've been working on lineups for a while now without realizing the prices were wrong. Yes, could these prices please be updated.

Fantastic! Thank you!

Yeah, I'd love to get today's projections updated with the Saturday/Sunday games. NBA projections are showing that they haven't been updated since yesterday. TheOtherDave responded to a question about this yesterday saying that the multi-day slates have to be a manual update, so I was expecting it to be a little late. But at this point, I'm hoping they get updated soon so I can start working on my projections and lineups.

Same here. I don't see it for today (5/1), which doesn't make sense since it would have to be a two day slate with one game today and one game tomorrow. Am I just missing this, or can this get added back on?

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the same thing was said one minute before me. Didn't mean to be redundant.