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He's not on the site? Certainly a key component to a successful lineup vs. HOU.....

Posted Topic: NFL - Toussaint?


Coming into wild card weekend, PIT RB Fitz Toussaint has a good chance of starting, and provides great value at his price. How can we compete across the industry without this key play?? He needs to be in the Cruncher!

Posted Topic: Lineup Rewind


The site has omitted the scoring for all Nuggets players for last night, Sunday, March 15th. With several key players hitting/exceeding value, it would be good to have those numbers to compare the best lineups for the nite. This rewind tool is invaluable to study what the best lineups look like, but it needs all of the data. Thanks!

Replied To: Shabazz Napier


Agreed - I was looking to plug Napier in with the late breaking news of Dragic out - crunching lineups to see what would work best with him, but to no avail. Should have been in there!