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Problem pretty much solved. It had to do with Cole Aldrich. He still shows up on optimized lineups but he's not in the player pool now....just delete him when he shows up at UTIL in all of the optimized lineups. Good customer service!

Is anyone else having this problem. It shows that LU's have been created but it doesn't show any LU's. I haven't tweaked it in anyway. I've sent 3 e-mails to customer support and have had no replies. Is there a customer service on here?? Do they reply to e-mails? Do they fix problems with their product? I just joined and I joined primarily for Fantasy Aces NBA. And the first time I tried it, it didn't all. Everything else works but I mainly play on Aces and that's why I signed up for the Premium here. If there's a problem with Aces I can't use this product. How long has this been a problem? How long does it take for customer support to reply to your messages? How long does it take for things to get fixed here? Thanks for any replies. It was a serious bummer to purchase a subscription and go right to the tool and it doesn't work.