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Ok, so if I don't select a slate, the salaries are incorrect. If I select the 4 game main slate then everything checks out.

It appears that almost all San Jose players on DK have incorrect salaries.

Currently projected for 0 points??

Heaney is listed on FC @ 8300 but is really 7700 on FD main slate tonight. Not sure if there are other errors or not.

Just wanted to point out that Springer is listed on FC at 4500 for the main slate, but is actually 4400 on Fanduel.

There is an option to select the all UTIL slate on FD, but cruncher still produces a line with the normal lineup restrictions.

Replied To: Mon-Thurs


Is there a way to go back to the monday-thursday slate after the Monday games have been played? I would like to optimize again with more recent projections for Thursday players. Thanks.

Currently all players for Winnipeg are projected for zero points tonight. I also noticed this with Edmonton players two nights ago.

Posted Topic: CSV Export


I am trying to generate 500 lineups for PGA and export them into a CSV file. After the lineups are generated and I export them, the file only contains 167 lineups, and the very last lineup isn't even a full team of golfers. Any insight as to why would be appreciated.

For those that play on multiple sites, would it be possible to give them an option to display a lineup for each site they choose at the same time instead of clicking through to the other site pages?

So, you could generate the optimal solution for each site your provide all on the same page.

Along with the current speed of your optimized solutions, this feature would provide a massive gap between you and the competition when it comes to providing optimized lineups imo!!!

Have you considered calculating 2 standard deviations based off of the players historical game logs and applying them to their current days projection?

Would it be possible to add this as a user defined option? For instance, on large slate nights it would be interesting to see the differences in limiting yourself to a 1 or 2 player max from a team if the solution is giving you 3 or 4 players from the same team.

This would also be another step towards ensuring as many unique lineup combinations as possible are being used.