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You can start clean with 150 then add a setting crunch 150 add another setting and crunch and so on. This will help you narrow down what setting(s) is causing the issue. If you have a % on individual player then play % stacks you might have way to much going on. Hope this helps.

When crunching by do not use actual use my projections. Look at the calculate button to the right you will see the lineup number then the drop down.

OK please this is an absolute time kill uploading one LU at a time. Maybe in the save lineups area have the export tool bar there. This way we can save lineups then choose which ones we want to export.
Again thanks

Say I lock pitcher Arrieta. Then stack 4 Blue Jays and save the lineup. Then I lock Arrieta and stack 4 Tigers and save the lineup. and on and on. Now I want to export my saved LU's to FD in one file instead of each individual LU. Is this possible?