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Posted Topic: NBA Projections


How often are these updated during playoffs? Is Wade updated with Rondo being out?

Really appreciate the prompt responses. Is there a way to reset all my work in the cruncher, ie thumbs, exposures etc?

Whats the point of the randomness slider? Seems like variance up or down would negatively correlate to roster construction. Am I missing something?

Hi, me again!

OK so looking at this variance, in looking at that 40 DK projection with a 20% +/-, what exactly is that doing? I know its providing variance to the overall projections, but will this affect my thumbs on a player as well? So if I have a 40 with two thumbs up and a 20% randomness setting, what do that do? Does that now give me 20% off of 46? Just trying to understand this better. Or am I overthinking things here?

Greatly appreciate the math lesson!

Interesting. Definitely puts that in perspective, but how do you get 48 from a 40 projected player at 20%? Are you saying that his low projection goes as low as 30 and as high as 50 with a 20%?

Tai or Oreo,

Can you elaborate a little more on the randomness slider? What does setting randomness to a projection do? Are you adding or subtracting? I notice when I up the randomness that I get more players in my crunch versus using 1 unique and 2%. I have tested it with 3-4 unique and various randomness from 10-50%. Just curious how this works and if any provides what edge?

Oreo or Taicheeze,

Can you go into more detail on the randomness setting please.

What randomness setting do you use Oreo? I see you at the top often...


So when setting up lineups, do you recommend leaving it at 100% with 1 unique and 2%? Seems like 100% gives me a lot of 100%'ers if they're projected highly. Problem is, I dont want to be over-exposed to one single guy. Boban is going to do that to me today....follow! Also, what are the thumbs for? Up and down.

Thanks again,


This is great stuff and pretty much allows me to do what I need it to do. So, why does it run out of lineups for me when I generate using my player pool? I try to have a limited player pool of players that allow me to win IE Crabbe at 5%, Smart at 10% etc. I typically remove bad players without roles and any semblance of upside.


Thanks for the reply. I was not aware of this, nor how to do it. Can you elaborate a little further as well as instruct me on how to get more lineups of what I would ultimately like to get. I put in a great deal of research as well as manually project my players. I am over it, sort of, but I would have had significant exposure to very high scoring players on numerous occasions, last night would have crushed for me. I would just like to really understand how to utilize the tool for what I need it to do for me. Also, can you shed some light on how the unique players and randomness settings work? Right now I use 1 Unique and 2%. Thanks

I have a question to essentially piggyback off of the original question. How do I get optimal lineups that I try and set? This has been something that has been bothering me mainly due to not getting any exposure to players I want exposure to. Its costed me significantly in the wake of the time I've put into my research and projections as a whole. Tonight for example; I wanted 15% exposure to Millsap, yet I got zero. This is one example I am not going to get too in depth with as I am sure you get the picture. So, is there a way to get what I want out of the optimizer? Also, when I limit my player pool and set exposures and likes, the optimizer wont generate enough lineups for me. I get an error that it cannot make the 50 lineups I am asking it to build. Also, can you shed some light on what the thumbs do? I noticed when I put a thumb up on a player the cruncher tries to give me the requisite exposure I am asking it for, but when I like numerous players to have exposure to it tends to give me more of what I dont want or error me out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.