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Been seeing this more and more. Trea Turner today. Maybe if you alter a projection allow that person to be used in the player pool?

Here is another one. Ended up losing the bracket in the quarterfinals so if you want a screenshot of a FC logo losing but winning 25k you let me know

I'm flattered that you were impressed by my paint skills. Here is a link to the contest -link removed- Maybe with the money I save on a FC membership I can get photoshop and a coursera class so I will be able to fool the internet detectives.

I am also still alive in the fanduel bracket challange using the avatar on FD. The loser of the next round gets 25k.

I'd like a setting for baseball that allows you to have a minimum number of players from each team. Basically if a player is used you HAVE to use another player from his team (or 4+4). I would use this to find the highest projected stacks or double stacks. Currently you can only do this after you have narrowed down the teams.