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Would it be harmful to add an 'ideal amount' button? Let the computer decide based on settings provided?

My main concern is that exposure does not work if the pool fail message fires. If you have players set at 80%, they'll still fire 100% if the value's right. That can't be as intended.

If you try to create too many lineups for too few players/limiting settings then it fires an error that says something like "only 18 lineups were generated with pool". Any reason you can't have that shown before hand; next to the slider bar for lineups to generate preferably? Even further, I'd suggest just making the max cap of the lineup slider to be the maximum available lineups with current settings.

Either way, I think it would be a great addition to know before hand how many lineups your settings can generate with the parameters specified...without making it fail to find out (and I believe exposure doesn't work if it fails).