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This past month have been horrible the lineups projected and yesterday, Hugh horrendous 243.9 was the final score of the "Top" projected lineup :-/

I'm a client for like 3 month and I never can get a decent lineup in here to just compete in tournaments. The lineups projected are lineups basically for 50/50 only and even in 50/50, other people do those ridiculous tournaments scores... But what happens with the people that want at least try those big tournaments? Well they can't because the lineups in here only achieve like 330 at maximum.

I know you guys will answer ; "Well you should do your own research and not leave completely to the system". Well if that so, that's why I pay. I pay a system that can do that research job for me and at least get consistently 300 scores. Also I know you guys will say; "Well if you don't like the system just cancel it". Well that's not the purpose of a business and yours it's not completely bad because you guys have good stuff in here that's help.

Honestly I could even pay the triple of those $12.95 at month or even more for a system that could make tournaments lineups. Also I know this is basketball and nothing is predictable, changes are continuously etc etc.