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any update on this feature? Would really love this implemented somehow.

Would this be possible? FC updates multiple times throughout the day and I always wonder what was updated and by how much. It would be cool to see if a certain players projections were increased or decreased and by how much.

This would be great

I hope the issue of not being able to export into existing lineups gets fixed by NBA season. It would help a lot with late scratches minutes before lineup lock.

I like to join contests ahead of time with filler lineups on fanduel. I have some contests joined at the moment for tomorrow and when i tried to export, fc just entered my lineups into new entries and completely ignored my other joined contests. Is it possible to export lineups into contests that have already been joined without joining new contests?

I think this would be a great addition if possible!

Part of how I personally use FC involves generating lineups and excluding the players I don't want to show up and then going back and repeating until only players I like are in my lineups. Would it be possible to exclude players directly from that little list that gets created that shows what % of each player is showing up in our lineups? It would help a lot.