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I'm probably too late, but it's because FC projected him at 0 so he gets automatically hidden. You have to enter a projection for him in player manager

I don't know what kind of bankroll you're working with but you can reserve your entries in the contest you actually want, dump your updated lineups into one of the the secondary $2 Shot GPPs FD opens up after the main one fills, ctrl-click all the lineup edit buttons and import them over one at a time, and then hopefully if you have time, cancel the extra entries you have from dumping your new lineups in (if you want). I hope I made sense, that's what I do and it works quite well

I'll be +1 to say I hope you guys make this the priority, this is making the DK NBA export function extremely unreliable right now.

Hello, I love the new features you guys have put out. The only other thing that bothers me is that invalid lineups are created when I try to make 6 player team stacks because of the "hitters from 3 different teams" rule. If it's not too much trouble, I would love for that to be added in. Thanks!

Was really hoping to use him in a MIN stack, please add :)