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Maybe there is a way I don't know but say i am running 100 lineups with 2 different at 60 exposure. I run it and say it has 4 guys that hit that 60 percent exposure max. The way it works now those four guys would be stacked in first 70 or so lineups and then the last 30 it has none of them. I would love if there was a way to evenly distribute them over the whole 100 lineups so i had say atleast 2-3 of them in all 100. Even if you did apply exposure on each you would get plently of lineups without any of the 4. Randomness seems help do it a little bit but then usually changes so their exposure isn't at 60 % anymore.

Posted Topic: NBA Feature


Might be impossible but a feature to remove players that are playing on a B2B game.

Is there a way you can add a timestamp to when Fantasy Crunchers projections get updated. Would be nice to know if last update was before a late scratch or if it has been updated since.

Some of the slates, (late,later,latest) dont attach player ids so you can upload. Main and turbo do.