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I was actually checking out the Studz vs Dudz article...and it was great insight...but we all know what happens in DFS...sometimes players just don't work out. I think it would be helpful to Recap articles like that.....

Great suggestion. We'll work on something along those lines.

Hey all,

So hopefully you've seen our newest addition to the site, if not it's that new link that says Articles at the top. We've added some great writers and our goal is to deliver articles that are topical to the point of helping you make a better lineup the day we post.

Our main goal is simple though: quality over quantity. So, we'll be looking at medium or long-form articles that cover overall strategy, tips & guides on the tool itself, and articles that really break down something interesting in any of the major sports or the meta game of DFS.

If you have any topic ideas you'd like to see our team tackle, reply in here and I will be checking back on it over the next 30 days. If this is successful, we can figure out a way to continually involve our users.

- EditoratLarge