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Pretty decent idea

As I was kind of expecting once I saw the late update, I missed cashing in all my 3pm lineups. Missed by less than 5pts in each contest, and the lineup that came out at 3:04 would have given me 9 extra points...

Overall the late update cost me 50 bucks. (Almost the full amount I've made since becoming premium)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update the lineups within 30 min of contest starts...

I agree. I missed cashing by everything by 3 points and with my 3:04 lineup I would have easily made that. I'm not blaming them for my loss, it's my money and I chose to bet it without updated information. However, I pay for this service and expect timely, quality updates prior to game time. In the three weeks I've been a member this is the first time that I didn't see an update 30 mins or so before lock.

Replied To: MMA


Yes! Please add MMA support. If it is even half as accurate as NBA is right now I think a lot of people will seriously benefit!

Agreed. I'd like it.

With ten minutes until the start of the first games today, the last update was over 12 hours ago. Just a critique.

Then the update comes 4 mins after the 3:00pm lock. That's BS.

Come on, guys.