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Hey guys. I am at wits end. I've been in and out of DFS for a few years now. I feel comfy understanding and translating stats and how DFS works.
But man I am at wits end. I used a combo of a few sites for lineup builds, data and what not but to play the 150 entry tournies I use FC to build my lineups.
Tonight was a killer. I stacked HARD Phily 1-2. The lines when they came on the ice were COMPLETELY re-arranged (might be why the flyers suck ass right now!) but it hosed the hell out of almost half my 150 entries.
I am a firm believer in the 3/3 4/3 stack with C/W/W and PP D1 if fit is right.
I have NO IDEA how to react to such late MASSIVE changes other than to panic and not get a thing done.
I KNOW the Late Swaptimizer is likely one path to helping and I am trying like hell to understand how to implement it.
But am I right in assuming my builds and not 'fixable' in the true sense?
By that I mean this.
For 150 entry tournies I've studied the studs, Tester, Dollar and the rest. Night in and night out it feels like a majority of the top 10s in the big slates are 3/3 4/3 true stacks. Meaning they'll play PHI 1 with EVERY single 1-3 line on the slate.
That DEPENDS on those lines skating together (tonights Donskoi HT is a great example of how they hit).
But I don't think it's possible for me to adapt on the fly to the massive 3 line changes in Philly tonight with any accuracy? Is there a way that I could have late swapped and amended ALL three lines to reflect the actual game lines inside of 15 minutes?
If so I'd LOVE some help in figuring that out.