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Sounds good thanks!

This would be helpful for sure, but I can see the challenge in this. There are just so many players, and most go to game time decisions anyway. I have seen other sites try to do this without much success. If it could be done though that would be awesome.

Replied To: AVG Minutes


I can probably add that in, we already show the minutes per game in the stat window, so an avg wouldn't be too difficult. I am planning on adding a new feature soon that will allow you to pick and choose a few different columns as each user sees fit. This will probably be in that update.

Also, out of my own curiosity, how did you find the site?

Will these columns be sortable as well? You mean choose average mins column, a projections, etc. Just to be able to see what the user wants to see?

If so that is an awesome update[/quote]

Yes, so you can chose from a bunch of columns just the ones you want to see and yes make them sort able. One of the problems we have struggled with was how to add more data without cluttering it all up and making it overwhelming. I think this will solve the problem and allow the user more flexibility.[/quote]

It sounds like an excellent idea. Some people use different data than others.

So I dont know if this is a feature request or something that is already supposed to happen and maybe a bug. But I make all my lineups on here, then I just put them in on FD, and I save each lineup so go back and see how I did, where I made mistakes, etc. But when I go back to my most recent lineups it would be nice to instead see the projected score, to be able to see the actual score after the contests had ended. So you can see exactly where you went wrong or right.

Again not sure if this is a feature or bug, just let me know.


Replied To: AVG Minutes


I can probably add that in, we already show the minutes per game in the stat window, so an avg wouldn't be too difficult. I am planning on adding a new feature soon that will allow you to pick and choose a few different columns as each user sees fit. This will probably be in that update.

Also, out of my own curiosity, how did you find the site?

Will these columns be sortable as well? You mean choose average mins column, a projections, etc. Just to be able to see what the user wants to see?

If so that is an awesome update

Replied To: AVG Minutes


I can probably add that in, we already show the minutes per game in the stat window, so an avg wouldn't be too difficult. I am planning on adding a new feature soon that will allow you to pick and choose a few different columns as each user sees fit. This will probably be in that update.

Also, out of my own curiosity, how did you find the site?

I found you guys on reddit in the DFS sub

Posted Topic: AVG Minutes


First of all want to say that this is a great tool, just found it a couple a days ago! But for a feature request I would love to be able to see the average minutes that a player is getting for NBA. The more minutes, the more opportunity to score points, so I rely on this quite a bit and I am sure most other people do as well.