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Posted Topic: Tennis?


Any consideration in adding Tennis?


You guys have any plans to add this to your nascar product?

Awesome, I would love to see the addition of this.

Would love to see a "Position Stack" option available for MLB to be able to match a teams Pitcher with the same teams game stack.

Posted Topic: NHL Request


Would be nice to add "Opposing Team" from Advanced Options -> Position Stacks -> From

I know NFL has this and is great for wanting to do a game stack.


Replied To: NFL Pick Em


Today is the day!

Awesome and its well put together! Thanks for taking customers request to heart and following through! Well done.

Replied To: NFL Pick Em


Is it possible that you guys could create a template on FC for each tier? Positions wouldn't matter this way as each tier would play the role of a "position". When you download the csv file from DK for the players available for the slate there is a column already saying which tier they are in if this would help? DK has released contest that allows up to 150 entries for these pickems and being able to set exposure limits, fades, locks, etc. would be a great tool.

Replied To: NFL Pick Em


Setting exposure limits for each player in each tier was what would be the best benefit for generating multiple lineups!

Posted Topic: NFL Pick Em


A feature that would allow us to make Pick Em lineups that DK now offers would be great.

I would love to see FC be able to support the arcade format for MLB. Anything in the works to make this happen?

For NHL under "Position Stacks" I would love to see the addition of from "opposing team" added.


well said

I apologize if this has been brought up in previous posts.

Having a feature that would require a player to be in "x" amount of lineups would be awesome. Would be great if you could set a percentage number to players to have a minimum of, would take out a lot of work of having to "lock" players in and running multiple crunches.