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Still no players at 2:22

Awesome! Trimmed an hour off my research time, my family will like me again. Definitely worth the money.

Just wish there was an easier way to enter my crunches to FD, takes me 1 1/2 hours and I don't really have that time to spare. I'm sure you'll get there eventually, thanks.

I'm not sure what you mean, we support directly exporting fanduel lineups to a csv file, which you then upload to Fanduel. Takes 10 seconds.[/quote]

Sorry, I thought I read you only had that for DK. I do 50+ individual crunches so this helps a lot. Sorry for the confusion.

Just wish there was an easier way to enter my crunches to FD, takes me 1 1/2 hours and I don't really have that time to spare. I'm sure you'll get there eventually, thanks.