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I guess one way is to lock hitters 1, 2 and then put hitters 3-8 in a group, require that I use exactly one of them, and change the exposure of each of them to 16.7% and crunch 6 lineups at a time but there must be a faster way.

Let's say I want 3 Hitters from ARI and 4 players from SEA (with the ARI Pitcher). Is there a way I can crunch 3 specific ARI Hitters in only one lineup? What I don't want is for the cruncher to spit out a 4/3 stack with Mike Trout as the last hitter, and then spit out the same players but replacing Trout with Calhoun. To clarify, I want to use hitters 1, 2, 3 for ARI, then hitters 1, 2, 4, and then hitters 1, 2, 5, etc. But I don't want the use the 1, 2, 3 hitters twice.