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Or the Miami game!! Can we get on top of this please!! This site is expensive and I don't have a lot of time

I don't see the Arizona game players either... come on fantasy cruncher

Do the administrators not answer questions on this forum??

I used to be able to save my player pool on my mobile Samsung device however now it does not save. It's saves fine on a desktop.

Fantasy Cruncher can you look at this issue please

Past few nights I don't see my results from my lineups for both Fanduel and DraftKings? I see either 0 or null for every player

I have the same issue

I used to be able to save my player pool on my Samsung phone but for some reason this no longer works. When I hit the save button it just says saving indefinitely but does not save the player pool. I can save the player pool fine on a desktop. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I actually removed exporting to CSV from mobile devices. I was working under the assumption that saving csv files does not work for mobile. I will add this back in now.

Please let me know when this has been fixed.[/quote]

It should be there now. Mobile devices tend to be the worst when it comes to caching, try closing completely out of the browser and tab where you are using FC.[/quote]

Thank you

I actually removed exporting to CSV from mobile devices. I was working under the assumption that saving csv files does not work for mobile. I will add this back in now.

Please let me know when this has been fixed.

I actually removed exporting to CSV from mobile devices. I was working under the assumption that saving csv files does not work for mobile. I will add this back in now.

It works well...I'm normally on the road so that how I import multiple lineups...not today however

We'll look into it, is it FD, DK or both?

I am having trouble with saving my lineups to csv for dk on Samsung phone. No issues prior to update

It won't let me save to csv anymore like it did previously.

This is very frustrating

I can't import in draftkings