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All of the errors seem to be related to the database. Have you looked at creating a redundant instance of the current database and establishing a system that will use the redundant db? It seems you may also want to test your system with X amount of fake users? I know this is common in the enterprise world but perhaps it is something to consider for your business as well.

This would be huge as I am getting real thrown off by the late changes and I can't edit 30-40 lineups in 4 minutes.

Is there any way that FC could import lineups into the "FREE" contests on Fanduel? This would solve a lot of problems as people could reserve early in the day and then import their real lineups in the 'free' contests closer to lock, and export from there. Just a thought.

I am happy this is a feature, great work devs. Is there any way to save my "checked off players" aka targets between site selections? Obviously the scoring is different but in general it would be nice to at least use that ability. If not the ability to save who I have selected, maybe the ability to export who is checked to the other sites?

Would also like FantasyDraft. They seem to be filling the void of StarsDraft leaving, at least for me.