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Thanks, that works!

Would it be possible to add a column for "Actual Score" to LineupRewind when you run a calculations based on "My Projections"? This way you could see how your projected lineups would have actually performed.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm curious about this stat... I was reading this article:
And got to the Defense vs. Position section. I noticed the Mavericks listed as 30th vs. PF, so I looked at Charlotte's PF (Marvin Williams) on FC. FC has Defense vs. Position listed as 3rd. I could understand the calculations varying a bit based on how they're calculated, but the extreme difference between the two calculations has me wondering what would explain this?

Thanks for any insight!

Whenever I change a projection on my DraftKings NBA lineup, when I click out of the MyProjections box, all the sliders reset back to 0. I suppose I can just wait till I'm done updating projections to change the sliders, but I'd rather not see players I'll be excluding with the sliders while editing projections, since it creates more work.

Minor, but something I noticed. Thanks!

I don't know about FanDuel but DraftKings has a "Global Player Swap" which allows you to swap out a player for another across all your lineups. I believe it is designed specifically for the issue you're speaking of, removing a late scratch from all your lineups at the last minute.

Thank you.

Posted Topic: Exposure column?


Hi, newbie here wondering what the "Exposure" column in LineupCruncher did? Thanks!