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NFL is good now, either you fixed it or I just missed it as it sorted weird when first selecting it and I had to scroll down past the 10 salaries to see Thursday guys.

thanks, I will post to support in the future. I can see the hockey slate fine now thank you.

The NFL is still only showing tonight's game when I select Mon/Thursday. Although this has been broken for awhile as I don't think I have ever seen it work in the past either.

Posted Topic: Yahoo Errors


The NFL mon-thurs slate is only showing the teams from monday's game when you select it.

The NHL one for today is only showing 1 game.

hes projected to score about the same as mariota who is starting...assuming you dont think both play a half and throw 2 TD's each :)

i didnt check all sites, but he's listed as projected to get 4+ points on yahoo - NFL lineup cruncher even though hes out for the rest of the year.