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We are usually never missing players, however by default we do not display players that are projected lower than 3 Fantasy Points. We have Reggie projected low this weekend, and would not recommend playing him. If you want to see him you can do 1 of 2 things:

1. You can go into your player manager, type in Reggie Bush and give him a projection Higher than 3.


2. You can go to your 'Account > My Profile' page and change your 'Minimum Player Pool Score Threshold' setting to 0.

I would recommend #1, having all the bad players displayed will slow the system down and its unnecessary unless you want to play those players. Hope this helps explain it better, if you have any questions just let us know.

I figured it was something with the projections, I just couldn't figure out how to figure it out. Thanks for the help, there are def a couple of players I want to throw in a small % of my LUs that are below the threshold.

Posted Topic: Missing Reggie Bush?


I can't find him in the player pool.