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Hey dudes! I'm pretty new here, and love the site. Just a few suggestions I had after using the site for a few days... didn't bother digging through threads to see if they've been suggested already (Sorry).

Main Navigation
> You're hiding the most important links inside a menu. Why not get rid of the 'Tools' menu, Put 'Lineup Cruncher' & 'My Lineups' their own menu. Put 'Lineup Rewind' somewhere on the 'Lineup Cruncher' page. Also, if 'Forums' are the only 'Connect' option, just show 'Forums', and get rid of the menu. -- Screenshot (
> Add a page for 'My Crunches' (below explains this a little better.)

Lineup Cruncher
> Make it easier to switch between sports/fantasy site. The way you have it right now is like a 4 step process.
> Reduce clutter and allow users to hide specific sports and fantasy sites from showing up at all.
> Make the sliders easier to use, make the handles larger -- Screenshot (
> Add the ability for users to save 'Filters' or preferences that a user sets on the left and in advanced options.
> Add the ability for users to configure the columns that show up in the player list.
> Add the ability to unselect all players who are officially listed as 'OUT'.
> Not sure if this isn't already built in (just started using the like/dislike/locks for players), be sure to reset these on a weekly basis.
> Add in the ability to click your escape key to close player information (after clicking a players name).
> Add the ability to save crunches...
> [BUG] Open the player information (after clicking a players name) in the middle of the screen. Otherwise, it opens wherever your mouse is.

My Lineups
> Make it easier to filter lineups (sports, fantasy sites, slate.).
> Make it more clear what slates that specific lineup is eligible for.)
> Put the lineups saved name at the top, projected score next to it, and remove the blue bar at the bottom of each lineup.
> [BUG] Not sure if bug or not fully thought out, but above each line up it says '#X My Projected' and Fantasy Pts projected. Should this read something like... '[SAVED LINEUP NAME] is projected:'?

My Crunches
> Add a 'My Crunches' Feature, so users can save the crunches they create in the Lineup Cruncher.
> Add the link into the navigation as suggested above.
> Make it easy to filter crunches (sports, fantasy sites, slate).