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We aren't able to do this yet, it's something we're looking into.

Thanks for the feedback. Looking forward to when/if it becomes available.

Just noticed I'm unable to export to Fanduel from the "My Lineups" page since there is no possible way to select a contest there...can you make this possible? Thanks!

I am having the same issue, even created a post about it:

I like to build lineups early in week, save to "My Lineups" and then enter closer to league start, after last minute adjustments, of course.

PS. New user and first time poster here. I guess that makes me fresh blood. I can sense the sharks beginning to circle. Haha.

FC makes it easy to export lineups to Fanduel from the Lineup Crucher screen. However, I cannot figure out how to export from the saved line up screen. The error message says I must choose a contest first, but I do not see the option to do so. I expected it to be done the same way as from the Cruncher.

Can anyone help with this?