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Any update on this feature?

Replied To: Bug reports


Still no data available on NBA for Fantasy Aces

Replied To: Bug reports


There is nothing showing up for fantasy aces nba projections.

Looking forward to it.

Replied To: Bug reports


Checking out Fantasy Aces and Kris Humphries is listed as a PF and on their site he is a C. Also missing Jimmy Butler.

Say I want 10 lineups and have all of my players selected I like for the week. Is there anyway to put a min and max percent owned so the lineup generator doesn't include the same guys in every single lineup which would limit diversification of my player pool (An example would be say I really like Josh Gordon one week, I have him selected and all 10 lineups have Gordon in it, I would like to set the min to 30% and max to 50% that way I know he's in atleast 30 to 50% of my lineups rather than 100%). Would really like to see this and I think it would be of great use to all the multi entry people out there.