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Hello... AWESOME update !!! The possibilities of the unlimited columns + the data conditions are literally endless. Thank you.
I do have a weird question / glitch / user error (?).
Today I've been playing with some ideas/strategies with the new features and have been loving it. However, I just noticed something strange that I can't figure out.
Using Fanduel MLB Cruncher I uploaded and additional column called 'own' , refreshed, etc..... and setup a basic 4x3 stack in stacks with a max number in the data options. Then I optimized using 'own' column instead of using projection column. looked great right! Sweet!...well then I noticed when I change minimum projection from 1 to 0 (i don't even know why i did this), i get completely different stacks/lineups when I re-crunch using the custom 'own' column. The weird thing is that none of the lineups are using players with projections of 0. So why would this change the optimized lineups?
I've played around with it, and really can't figure it out. The 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 doesn't change the lineup crunch results when using the projections column. only my custom 'own' column. And again, no 0 projected players are being used in the lineups so I can't figure it out. Thank you in advance - and I hope that was a clear explanation. I'm not always excellent at articulating details.

update: I've been able to recreate this several times now. i'm actually just wondering which is the real optimal crunches now. i'm going to switch my 'own' column to my projections and see.