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WORKS GREAT.....Refresh after installation...create LU's the show export tools arrow on top of list of players the time of slate to be used...there will be a tick box on each Line Up next to the salary total up top..tick that check mark to export...if you get an error try clearing history for last hour..and make sure you are SIGNED IN to your Draft Kings account...and Bob's your uncle

typing at same time..haha..I did that but might be overlap I'll try again''thx

Not getting prompted to install the plug-in...maybe post the link to the plug in so it can be downloaded ...this is the main reason I started the service again being able to export with hopes of FD and FA etc being added later.. so now I have to favorite players on rotoGr and use their tool which is in the app store and east to get and use. Great tool and great substance ...GUI not so much...and a reset button would be nice for us nerds that check every combo of variables known to man..just sayin