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Replied To: New Sites


Any chance we can get FantasyDraft added for NFL?

any update on this?

Replied To: MLB


Hopefully they will have it up and running Sunday at the latest.

Fingers Crossed

Replied To: March Update



WOW, some people really have no clue how DFS works.

If you think ANY system will allow you to just click a button and be able to consistently compete in tournaments, Ive got news for you...

Yes he was missing yesterday.

We must get these player pools right day to day. Especially for MLB season.

Or atleast give us some sort of option to create a player just in case someone is missing.

also Louis Williams

Yea maybe consistency per 36 would be better

Would it be possible to include the players consistency score on the actual lineups, and then have the total consistency score.

This would be helpful when looking at many different lineups as far as which is the most consistent .