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Why is it that when I use nfl rewind to try to get a better grasp of how I should have ran my lines last week, I can run 50 lineups using my method, go to actual , get the scores, delete the crunch, and run it again I never get the same outcome?
for example: I use 3 unique, 65% exposure, 65%randomness, stacking rule 1 qb with at least 1 rb,wr,te same team, run 50 lineups using highest floor, get the highest actual score of 228 . but never can duplicate it, even if I delete the crunch.

Why is it that when I use nfl rewind to try to get a better grasp of how I should have ran my lines last week, I can run 50 lineups using my method, go to actual , get the scores, delete the crunch, and run it again I never get the same outcome?
for example: I use 3 unique, 65% exposure, 65%randomness, stacking rule 1 qb with at least 1 rb,wr,te same team, run 50 lineups using highest floor, get the highest actual score of 228 . but never can duplicate it, even if I delete the crunch.