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Replied To: Bug reports


scoring calculation for NFL is still off. Same issue

The "Actual Scores" for Lineup Rewind are incorrect. For example, Philly defense shows 13 pts last week, when really they got 1 pt on Fanduel. Some players also show "null" for some reason. ??? Every players actual score is inflated exactly 1 pt higher than their true actual. And for some, inflated notably higher than just 1 pt. Why is this?

And for some reason, if you lock a full team worth of players, I've found that it spits out a team different than that which you've locked - varying by 1 player. For me it's been a kicker different than the one which I'd locked. Gould turns into Succop for example.

Also, it would be a nice simple addition to be able to see Actual Scores when you go to the previous weeks My Lineups.

And some day, under the normal player pool, perhaps a percentage column that indicates how many people have saved the player into a My Lineups.

Thanks for an increasingly awesome site

I did notice that the scoring calculation for NFL is off, I will correct this asap. I cannot replicate the all locked players issue, so I am not sure about that. If anyone else is experiencing this please let me know.

I am working on the actual scores being displayed in previous weeks my lineups, that should happen relatively soon. I am not sure about seeing the % of people that have saved a player to their lineups, its possible, but I am not sure people want other people seeing what they have saved. This is an interesting topic for debate for sure.[/quote]

Replied To: Bug reports



Thanks! I could only replicate that player issue on my phone, it's not occurring in Windows Chrome - no big deal anyways, and perhaps just my own cache/history issue or something. The % info would be interesting :) - and among one of the interesting perks that the creators of the site could have ... aggregation and analysis of lots of data can be a powerful thing ;)

Replied To: Bug reports


The "Actual Scores" for Lineup Rewind are incorrect. For example, Philly defense shows 13 pts last week, when really they got 1 pt on Fanduel. Some players also show "null" for some reason. ??? Every players actual score is inflated exactly 1 pt higher than their true actual. And for some, inflated notably higher than just 1 pt. Why is this?

And for some reason, if you lock a full team worth of players, I've found that it spits out a team different than that which you've locked - varying by 1 player. For me it's been a kicker different than the one which I'd locked. Gould turns into Succop for example.

Also, it would be a nice simple addition to be able to see Actual Scores when you go to the previous weeks My Lineups.

And some day, under the normal player pool, perhaps a percentage column that indicates how many people have saved the player into a My Lineups.

Thanks for an increasingly awesome site