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Tonight when calculating projected totals it is incorrectly adding the totals at the bottom of each team. Avg scores are correct but projected scores are way inflated...


On Cruncher Louis Williams is PG
On Draft Kings he is listed SG

Replied To: Bug reports


On Cruncher Louis Williams is PG
On Draft Kings he is listed SG

Thanks for the response... I logged out... Logged back in and made sure the players weere selected and they were. I clicked on "create lineup" and nothing happens... Sorry for being a bugg... Really like to see it work...

The players just went away... I am guessing they are in the middle of an update...

New to the Fantasy Cruncher... Ive been using it somewhat, but by no means to the extent that it is capabIe. I watched the tutorial for usng the Lineup Cruncher. Great video. When I went back in to use the "Create Lineup" feature I am still not getting any results at the bottom of the screen. In other words like the lineups that appeared at the bottom of the screen on the tutoria, I am getting nothing. I am sure it is Operator Error just wanted some advice or maybe you can figure out what I am doing wrong...