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Posted Topic: Will Bynum


Can you please add Bynum to the playing book?

Thank you kindly!

Posted Topic: NFL REWIND


This may be s shot in the dark but is it possible that you add NFL rewind with actual scores?

Wanted to get some practice in and start developing a strategy.

Replied To: PGA


Count me in as well!!!!

This is what I do:

First I calculate either My Projections or FC Projections then after that I calculate best team using ACTUAL projections. After that, the actual projections will populate into the my projects and fc projections.

Hopefully that made sense!

Replied To: NBA Salary


Were you on fanduel instead of draft kings?

That's exactly what it was!

Posted Topic: NBA Salary


The NBA salary's are when calculating best team ends up calculating for 60k instead of 50k


Is it anyway I can go use Lineup Rewind for MLB before the 16th? The calendar won't pop up so I can look at Lineup Rewinds on previous days besides the 16th.
