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The "copy data" to clipboard function returns all players, even those excluded. I would expect this to copy exactly what I am looking at, whether it be "all", "my pool", "excluded" etc.

If this isn't considered a bug, would it be possible to add a feature to copy data in this way?

thank you!

I'm talking about NBA here, but it could apply to other sports: would there be any chance you could indicate in addition to the date/time projections were last updated:

- An estimate of the time of the next projection update and/or
- Whether the current update is likely to be the "final" before games lock?

Also, could you describe the typical scope of changes you make to the projections for the last update of the day? Are you tweaking nearly every player's score, or are you only updating a few based on late breaking news?

I'm trying to get a sense of how different one's outcome would be if they based a lineup on your projections at, say, 12pm vs 4pm vs the final projection update. Yes I know you would ultimately recommend tweaking projections with our own values, etc.
