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Whats the deal with this?

Posted Topic: EPL/UCL?


What is the status on these? Is there a definite plan to add these?

Is there a way to do this on Fanduel?

Posted Topic: NHL Stacking


I love the new stacking option. It would be great if you could chose how man times each line can be stacked with each other.

ex: No more than three times.

Can you please add stacking rules (similar to what you have in the NFL) to NHL.

ex: Def man can not be paired with Def man from same team.
ex: Can not be paired with goal from same team.

Posted Topic: NHL Stacking?


Is there any plans for an option to stack based on lines?

Is there currently any plans on adding Soccer,MMA,Nascar,CBB,CFB?

Posted Topic: Thanks FC


I just wanted to give credit where credit is due. I Took down my first NBA GPP last night (SHOT#2 on FD) with the help of FC. I had three line ups in the top 10. Thx FC and keep up the good the work.

Maybe the ability to stack team lineS (line 1, line 2, power player 1 and so on)