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Inj Likes Pos Salary Team Opp VegasPts FPPG FPPM AVG/30 STDV/30 STDV USG FGA MPG Floor Ceiling ProjSTDV Proj Mins FC Proj My Proj Rdm % Exp. Used Con. Value Mins Own% Score Val
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Max salary is $50,000 if left blank.

UTIL Position

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Sun 2:20 pm
PUR -3.5
Sun 5:10 pm
DUKE -7.5
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  • Position Limit Rules
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Stack with of Positions From
Optional for this rule Players from the following teams
Stacking Rules
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  • Add Game Stack
If you have uploaded your own data columns, you can use the data to enforce restrictions on the lineups created. A good use case may be uploading ownership projections and then restricting each lineup to a maximum ownership total.
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Apply only to these positions (optional)
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