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Topic: Cruncher Speed & Improvement Tips?


Would love to know if anyone has found little tricks and tips on how to improve the speed at which Cruncher produces lineups. Sometimes I wish it could be a little quicker specially when making a large amount of lineups. I read something about allocating more ram to Chrome? The new updates to Chrome don't allow me to do it anymore and was wondering if anyone knows how.

Feel free to suggest anything else.

A few tips:

1. Limit the size of your player pool to less than 50 players.

2. Reduce the number of constraints (1 unique is fastest, 100% exposure).

3. Firefox seems to work faster than Chrome, although we do not have a extension for FF as of right now.

Yeah, I currently do all those. I'm not saying it's slow, I just would like it a bit faster but I have no problems with it. Great product!