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Topic: First Day using Fantasy Cruncher



Thankyou for this great product. Not only for the ease of making multi-bets so so so so much easier, but for the information you have and provide to the premium users.

Signed up last night after spending many hours trying to design a spreadsheet. Used your NBA and NHL cruncher today for my micro bets. I am building my bankroll so I am a low stakes investor atm. Well i entered all up 60 teams into both the NBA and NHL collectively. in the .25c and $1 dollars GPP's. Total cost $32. I returned $87 almost 3X profit. Wonderful feeling to actually have a 5th place finish and mutilply top 200's.

I thank you kindly, and the site has paid for the next two months already in the first night.

Now I am not deluded there will be days where no matter how well you research you will get burnt by luck or better DFS players. But having a chance now to complete is a great feeling


Anthony (EliMac) McGrath

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