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Topic: Merging crunches


I would like to see a new feature that would allow you to merge all crunches down to one single crunch. I often use various strategies to create multiple crunches for a contest and may have 20 or more crunches created that I want to merge down to one for exporting to a .CSV file. It would nice to be able to say merge all crunches and it would create a new empty crunch, and them move all of the open crunches into that new crunch to create one single one.

I don’t work for the site, just a user. But figured I would chime in. It does this already, if i understand your question correctly.

After your crunch, click “Select Lineups” then “Move Selected To.” Done.

It will even delete any duplicate lineups from the different crunches when you do this, to guarantee all of your lineups are still unique.

That’s just one way to do it. There are actually other ways as well depending on your preferred tactics.