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Topic: Projection Management


Would like the ability to upload multiple sets of projects and compare them to ultimately weight them and upload for use in lineup creation.

What are you "comparing"? If you're looking across numbers, you can do this all in excel/google docs prior to upload. It's something we could possibly implement but I'm just curious if there's more to what you're describing.

It an can be done in a spreadsheet. But what I am looking for are anomalies to possibly exclude or look at closer and what is valuable about having it in the program is the logic to pair up the player name with the projection.

Let me make sure I'm understanding you. Are you saying for every player you want to select a different projection source if you like it more? I'm not sure but it really sounds like anything we'd implement would look a lot like a spreadsheet. If you organize your spreadsheets by name, they should more-or-less line up, then pick the column that you agree with the most. You can export our projections to a spreadsheet with the "copy data" button at the bottom, if you paste it into a spreadsheet.

I don't know how much better of a process we can implement that won't make the site look overly complex. Do you have an idea of how it would look and how it would work?

What I am saying is being able to upload multiple sets of projections that would absolutely be a spreadsheet that you could then weight the projections to build a unique set. You could then run rewinds against those projection sets to start to see what projection sets to see what would work best for you.