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Topic: Anyway to export excel files that can be used to upload entry edits?


If I'm doing this wrong please tell me. If I need to edit entries this is what I have to do.

1. export fc crunch in excel.

2. download DK entry edit form.

3. cut and paste fc crunch to dk entry edit file

4. upload dk entry file.

again, if i'm doing that wrong let me know please.

now, IF that's the way to do it, i'd like to make a suggestion, can we upload the entry form to FC then when we crunch it shoots out the crunches back with the same file just altered.

so we "upload DKEntries" then crunch, when we download it download "DKEntries" with the players in there.


You are doing it right :)

Uploading the actualy DKEntries.csv would be a great upgrade to this process. When its so close to lock it can really get dicey with all the xtra steps

Okay thanks. Yeah this would really help especially if I'm not at a computer. It's impossible for me to do a mass edit from my phone.

There are always concerns with something like this. We get enough paranoia about us using the information of our users. If we give users the ability to upload a csv, there's going to be some (not negligible amount of) backlash about how we will now be able to know what lineups users are playing and what tournaments they're playing in.

Okay. If that's the case have people upload the csv without names in there. Just the line up numbers? Or have them upload dummy line ups? It's the export that matters in this instance. Not what the upload is.

It's not about what will actually happen, it's about optics. We can potentially know whose account is uploading the csv file, and it really doesn't matter which lineups go in, only which ones come out. So pitchforks will be raised. As we become more popular, these are the types of things we need to consider when adding new features, it's unfortunate but that's the truth of the matter.

I see. Well if you guys can figure something out make sure to send an email about updates on it. That will help so much. Thanks for explaining.