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Topic: NBA save player pool issue


So it's hard to describe but bare with me.
1: I saved a player pool.
2: I loaded my own projections.
3: Loading my own projections reset all exposure back to 100%. I then proceeded to load player pool, which loads my ownership back as well
4: To test if saving player pool also saves projections, I set Lebron James projections to 90 points and saved player pool.
5: I then cleared projections and loaded projections again
6: I loaded player pool. I can no longer find Lebron James in my playerpool.

Now, no matter what, when I load my player pool, lebron james is no longer in my player pool. I'm guessing this is because his value is at 11 but somehow by default the value range in the filter is from 0-8. The total player pool shows 109 players, but I only count 108. He's essentially disappeared.

You can get into my account and take a look at my player pool that's saved right now and duplicate the issue.

This means that saving player pool does save the projections as well. But unfortunately loading my own projections wipes out my exposure %. Ideally if loading projections won't wipe out my exposure, that would be best.

Are you unable to move the filter further to to the left? If not, then that's a bug. But for you to get Lebron back, you can add him in manually via the player manager if you give him a projection that falls into that range. Also, check whether or not he'll show up in your lineups when you calculate. The sliders filter out visibilty, not availability, if he's projected at 90, he should show up in every line up, unless you de-selected him beforehand.

The max filter for value is 8, so Lebron disappears because his value is at 11x. Yes, I can add him back by the method you detailed, but it seems like a bug. You are correct that the player still shows in the lineup.

What I'm really trying to get at is to be able to update projections in Player Manager without it wiping out the exposure rate. In the NBA, I might setup player exposure throughout the day and save the player pool. Near lock, I will upload and update my projections in the Player Manager (but not the exposure). When I upload the projections, it wipes out all exposure to 100%. But if I load my saved player pool, it wipes out my projections. I need a way to do both if possible.