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Topic: A couple of feature suggestions


As I go through every week, I see a few things that would be nice to have:

- Add a feature to tell me why a run wont work. So when it says "Can only find 99 lineups" or whatever, it would then say "Limited by...". Even if it wasn't specific it would help me to more quickly narrow why something isn't working. It could just tell me a stack or position or whatever.

- Add a way to save user default stacks and settings in the "Advanced Options". Every time I update the player pool or the window gets closed I have to re-add my stacks. I notice that the groups save, but it would be awesome if I could set my own defaults for each sport - Number of Max players, Stacks, etc...

- It would be good if the entire available player pool was easily seen. I know it only shows players that have a projection, but there are times when I want to play someone who may not have a projection, or someone is hurt and I want to him him in and I can't find him. Maybe there is a way to do this I just don't know about.

- For NFL it would be good if I could prevent certian stacks from happening. So if I play a QB, sometimes I get lineups with 2 WR's from a different team, and I would rather not have that. Kind of like in groups where you have the "no more than" feature. I know there are ways I could do this manually, but its a pain.

If these are posted somewhere else sorry for reposting. I know this stuff isn't easy to do.


First off thanks for the suggestions. I will address each of these points one at a time:

-We can't tell you why a run won't work. It's never one constraint, it's always all of them. As an analogy, when an elevator goes over the weight capacity, you can't just blame one person for pushing it over the limit. The constraint that you're looking for that's breaking your calculations is not easy to identify. It's not necessarily the most or least restrictive one. Usually this happens with small slates, be sure to change the # offensive players against defense in the advanced settings.

-Working on it. It's something we want users to save, but we need to figure out the right way to do it.

-You can already do this. In your account settings, you can lower your projection threshold to 0.

-Working on it. We're going to improve positional stacking a lot. This is the first season we had flexible positional stacking, it's going to get better.

Thanks for the response. I should have also said that the features are great, and I have done very well using them and your product. Keep up the great work...we all really appreciate it!