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Topic: Any possible way to pick a % of stacks used?


Let's say I want to run a 4 man stack and a 2 man stack.

However, when I run it, I would like only 20% of a certain team to be part of my 100 lineups. I understand I can put the players at 20%, but maybe I want some one-offs of those guys?

For example, it's a night at Coors field. I want 20% exposure out of my 100 lineups to be Colorado stacks. However, I would like 40% of one certain player like Arenado.

Basically is that something that's possible? Being able to set the stacking option but only get a % of that team?

(I hope I'm explaining what I'm thinking correctly)

You can set Arenado's individual exposure higher. We don't have any way of doing minimum exposure anyway. You could always force some stacks then remove the Rockies players except for Arenado and then "calculate more"