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Topic: fanduel now has the WNBA


don't they realize that canadian professional curling is a much better sport to watch than the WNBA.
who doesn't love rocks, hammers, and people with brooms sweeping a sheet of ice.
dave, "other dave" i'd start working on that curling app soon... the WNBA, not so much.

I have to disagree here as someone who loves the sport of basketball woman's basketball is more enjoyable to watch than men's as they play the game the way it is meant to be played.

While I will not speak to the quality of the sport, I think WNBA as a DFS option is great. It is a daily sport and it should be something fun over the summer to go along with MLB.

I once sat in an elementary school awards ceremony with a friend and we made bets on which kids would receive an award based on just looking at them. If a little action can make that fun, I think this WNBA DFS thing can work!

We will have WNBA up on FC very soon.

well ok, it looks like i'm outnumbered on the canadian curling for a DFS sport thing, but man oh man when the guy from saskatchewan has the hammer on the final end going against the guy from moose jaw, the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
just saying... LOL

EST it will be up for the next contests on Wednesday. We are doing some beta testing now.

Excellent news