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Topic: Like and Dislike buttons


Do the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons on the lineup generator (likes and dislikes) influence the rating of the players at all? Or is that just there to remind you who you want to target?

The thumbs up button will give a player an 8 percent increase or decrease to a players projection based on the number of thumbs. This is not something you will see on your screen as it is all done on the back end.

The thumbs up button will give a player an 8 percent increase or decrease to a players projection based on the number of thumbs. This is not something you will see on your screen as it is all done on the back end.

Thank you for the quick response!

So is it linear then? Two thumbs up a 16 percent increase, three thumbs up a 24% increase? And the same for thumbs down I'm assuming.

That is correct.

Does it only increase the FC Projection? I have a custom column with a rating. I'm guessing a like doesn't influence that number.

It will increase those as well. It will increase/decrease whatever field you select when calculating.